Saturday, July 11, 2009

Who View?

I guess it's just me. I don't get The View.

I don't understand why that show has any audience at all.

I confess I've never watched it. But it seems like every week another cat fight is happening among the harridans, and that fight becomes a featured link on AOL. I've clicked on maybe two occasions (counting today), plus I saw one clip on Leilouta's blog a couple of years ago.

It's a bunch of bubble-headed harpies* shrieking at each other.

Why would anyone watch that?

It reminded me of holiday parties I got dragged to as a kid when the adults would talk politics and drunken Aunt Linda would begin screaming at equally drunken Aunt Celia (names changed).

Or of the ear-piercing voice of witchy old bat and seventh-grade teacher Mrs. Chase (her real name--let her evil deeds be known!) yelling, "None of you deserves to pass!"

Today I got pulled in by the AOL featured story about a discussion on The View of Sarah Palin. (I was hoping to see a good photo of Palin because I want to check out her glasses and get a similar pair). So I clicked.

Same thing.




All of them bloated and fat.

Their high shrieking voices are worse than fingernails down a chalk board. Why would anyone tune in for that?

I don't get it.

*In late Greek mythology, the harpies are not just ugly shrieking bird-women, they are obnoxious pests who descend on outdoor banquets and crap all over the food.

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