Monday, July 13, 2009

Food Poisoning

I've had food poisoning since Saturday. So I've been doing something I haven't done for years--sitting around, goofing off, listening to music.

There's an Internet radio station called Pandora, where you can input a favorite song or singer, and it will pull up that and similar music.

There was a pair of female singers, Hazel and Alice, that I discovered a few years ago. One was, I think, Pete Seeger's sister-in-law or something like that, and the other was a bluegrass singer from by-God-West-Virginia. They're unusual because they're women singing bluegrass. I'm not into country music, and especially not into bluegrass, but their music grabbed me for some reason.

Anyway, I put them into Pandora, and the system is bringing up all these mournful bluegrass songs about lovers dying of tuberculosis, or young men getting killed in the Civil War, or mothers having their babies die, or kids being ridiculed by other kids at school for being poor. And I'm ready to cry and suddenly I understand why I never do this--just sit around and listen to music:
it's frickin' depressing!!!

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