Friday, July 10, 2009

"Make Money on Blogger!"

I keep seeing this thing that says, "Make Money on Blogger! Put Ads on Your Blog and Become an Instant Millionaire!"--well, not exactly, but you get the point.

It reminds me of the Joel Chandler Harris story where Brer Rabbit tells Brer Bear if he takes the appropriate action, all he has to do is wait for the big, round, silver dollars to pile up right in front of his eyes.

It can't be that easy! I mean, I've got four followers for two blogs, and two of those are the same person. So three people, two of whom are personal friends, are going to buy so much stuff from ads on my blog that I'll be retiring to Cancun in no time? Gee, am I wrong to be skeptical?

Oh, wait, there's the web traffic! Yes, the teeming hordes who are lurking unseen and reading my scintillating blog entries about crawling around the house after breaking my ankle! THEY will buy from the ads on my blogs, and avalanches of wealth will slide my way.

Somehow, I don't think it's a plan for financial success.

But I might add a "Donate via PayPal" button!


gh said...

Do you remember when you had an answering machine message which began with you shaking a coin jar and then continued with you telling your caller that that was the sound of the money you were trying to make thus making you too busy to answer the phone?

By the way, do I have to give till it hurts? I hate it when I have to do that.

Cassandra said...

LOL! I think I vaguely remember that message. Or rather than the message per se, I vaguely remember putting a handful of coins into a series of various containers until I got the desired sound!

Not just until it hurts, but until it bleeds!!! ROFL!