Sunday, July 19, 2009

Did I Mention . . .

. . . that I had food poisoning last weekend? (That beautiful graphic above is an illustration of the bacteria that can cause food poisoning.)

I am very susceptible to food poisoning, for some reason.

My friend that I had lunch with had the same sushi, the same tempura, the same everything, but he's a member of the Cast-Iron Stomach Club and never got sick.

I know it was that Japanese restaurant, because nothing else I'd had in the previous 36 hours could possibly have made me sick. I mean, a peanut-butter sandwich, or cereal with honey? I don't think so.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Food Poisoning

I've had food poisoning since Saturday. So I've been doing something I haven't done for years--sitting around, goofing off, listening to music.

There's an Internet radio station called Pandora, where you can input a favorite song or singer, and it will pull up that and similar music.

There was a pair of female singers, Hazel and Alice, that I discovered a few years ago. One was, I think, Pete Seeger's sister-in-law or something like that, and the other was a bluegrass singer from by-God-West-Virginia. They're unusual because they're women singing bluegrass. I'm not into country music, and especially not into bluegrass, but their music grabbed me for some reason.

Anyway, I put them into Pandora, and the system is bringing up all these mournful bluegrass songs about lovers dying of tuberculosis, or young men getting killed in the Civil War, or mothers having their babies die, or kids being ridiculed by other kids at school for being poor. And I'm ready to cry and suddenly I understand why I never do this--just sit around and listen to music:
it's frickin' depressing!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Who View?

I guess it's just me. I don't get The View.

I don't understand why that show has any audience at all.

I confess I've never watched it. But it seems like every week another cat fight is happening among the harridans, and that fight becomes a featured link on AOL. I've clicked on maybe two occasions (counting today), plus I saw one clip on Leilouta's blog a couple of years ago.

It's a bunch of bubble-headed harpies* shrieking at each other.

Why would anyone watch that?

It reminded me of holiday parties I got dragged to as a kid when the adults would talk politics and drunken Aunt Linda would begin screaming at equally drunken Aunt Celia (names changed).

Or of the ear-piercing voice of witchy old bat and seventh-grade teacher Mrs. Chase (her real name--let her evil deeds be known!) yelling, "None of you deserves to pass!"

Today I got pulled in by the AOL featured story about a discussion on The View of Sarah Palin. (I was hoping to see a good photo of Palin because I want to check out her glasses and get a similar pair). So I clicked.

Same thing.




All of them bloated and fat.

Their high shrieking voices are worse than fingernails down a chalk board. Why would anyone tune in for that?

I don't get it.

*In late Greek mythology, the harpies are not just ugly shrieking bird-women, they are obnoxious pests who descend on outdoor banquets and crap all over the food.

Friday, July 10, 2009

"Make Money on Blogger!"

I keep seeing this thing that says, "Make Money on Blogger! Put Ads on Your Blog and Become an Instant Millionaire!"--well, not exactly, but you get the point.

It reminds me of the Joel Chandler Harris story where Brer Rabbit tells Brer Bear if he takes the appropriate action, all he has to do is wait for the big, round, silver dollars to pile up right in front of his eyes.

It can't be that easy! I mean, I've got four followers for two blogs, and two of those are the same person. So three people, two of whom are personal friends, are going to buy so much stuff from ads on my blog that I'll be retiring to Cancun in no time? Gee, am I wrong to be skeptical?

Oh, wait, there's the web traffic! Yes, the teeming hordes who are lurking unseen and reading my scintillating blog entries about crawling around the house after breaking my ankle! THEY will buy from the ads on my blogs, and avalanches of wealth will slide my way.

Somehow, I don't think it's a plan for financial success.

But I might add a "Donate via PayPal" button!

Two Weeks

Two weeks from today the movers are coming. Should I be panicking yet?


It's kind of like dieting. Every day you tell yourself, today I'll cut back on what I eat, and then you pass Steak n Shake and pull in for a milkshake.

Every day I tell myself, today I'll start packing, and then I get distracted by playing on the Internet in YouTube or whatever, and nothing gets done.

Of course I do have to work, so I guess that's an excuse for a few of my hours each day.

But not for all of them.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Insanity Continues

I am so-o-o-o busy right now. I only wish that were me above playing games. I have to be out of my house by July 24, and I have no idea how I'm going to accomplish it.

I'm still having some trouble walking due to the effing ankle sprain, so that is slowing me down A LOT.

Plus although I usually work online only, this month I'm working on site, which is a highly convenient one-hour commute (that's sarcasm), so that wastes even more time.

My only entertainment is watching reruns of The Rockford Files on the retro station every night, and for the past two days I haven't even had time to do that. Whah!!!