Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I'm moving in about six weeks, so I've been selling things on eBay.

I've got some old vintage greeting cards that I'm trying to sell. I've also got a bunch of old family photos of complete strangers (family friends, I suppose, who have long since passed away), so I'm selling them in the "vintage photo" section, because a lot of collectors like old pictures.

I've found that the way to get a lot of people to look at your eBay listing is to put the word "sexy" in the headline.

I have some photos of ladies in old-fashioned bathing suits--not revealing at all--and so almost as a joke, the first time I listed one I put the word "sexy" in the headline.
(That's not the photo, but it gives you an idea of the kind of photo I'm talking about--not really sexy at all, by modern standards.)

Not only did it sell quickly, but it drew about fifty hits!

Right now I've got a cute little vintage greeting card that's getting no looks at all, while people are falling all over themselves to look at photos of a woman in a bathing cap and old-style swimsuit because I put the word "sexy" in the ad.

So the trick to eBay success is to put the word "sexy" in the ad.

I want to do an experiment selling a plain black cast-iron frying pan, or maybe a wooden spoon, or an old electric fan. I will write the word "SEXY" in capital letters in the headline, and see how many looks it gets!!!

1 comment:

tossukka said...

Thats funny, about the word SEXY....
I am wondering why it is so ??
Are people starved on sex ?? It is like thats the only thing thats matters in life ??
Well, it must be good because it gets attension...