Sunday, June 14, 2009


Okay, the formatting on this blog is all effed up and I can't figure out how to fix it. I got help from users in a forum and followed their instructions, but I think it's an internal error at blogger because when I try to fix it, I get this weird error message about ". . . can't access . . . blah blah blah blah." It won't even let me start over by picking a new template. Plus it seems stupid to have two blogs, so maybe I'll just abandon this one and put everything in the Turquoise Trailer blog. No one reads this stuff anyway.


gh said...

I do.

Cassandra said...

Well, then, maybe I'll just keep going with the two blogs. Wish I knew why the SIDE bar is now a BOTTOM bar, though!

Cassandra said...

P.S. You're a computer expert, can you tell me how to fix this thing?

P.P.S. For two days, I've been thinking about the time you and Mike snuck into my class and hid in the back row. How it took me a while to notice you, and how much fun it was when I finally spotted you! It was really funny to see Mike, being such a big guy, trying to hunch down in his seat and be inconspicuous! I'm smiling now just thinking about it!!!

gh said...

OK, I'll start a blogspot thing and see if I can see what's what with it.

Cassandra said...

Okay, cool, thanks! Hey, should we be doing this by e-mail? Also, how are you spending the big holiday on Monday?

gh said...

There's a big holiday on Monday?
Down here (in the 'Nati), the big, really big, fireworks display is in Sept so people tend to blow off the Fourth.
Do you remember when about 6 of us went out wandering around on a Fourth? Bob Marsh was there and carried you around on his back. I was very jealous. We ended up in some crummy snobatorium bar at the top of a hotel. The bartender was so upset that I ordered a cheap can of beer that he gave me a warm can and wouldn't even open it.

Yes, email would be more efficient. My email is

gh said...

Oh! Idiot that I am. You're not talking about the Fourth, are you? What is the big holiday on Monday? It's not your birthday, is it? I thought that was in August.

Cassandra said...

I'll send you an e-mail!